Re: Suggestions for alternative treatment for stage 4 colorectal cancer?
If you are looking for something that will treat cancer that is one thing, but if you are looking for treatment that will put him into remission that is not going to be done with remedies and diet changes.
Cancer begins through a complex toxic overload and changes within cells to replicate themselves in a damaged mode. A diet might help slow things as the lack of toxins coming in will help slow things but it will not cure. Remedies help slow things but will not cure things.
Putting someone into remission takes something scientifically strong enough to kill the cancer, in vivo not in vitro - it has to work within the body and be proven to do so not just testimonies - it has to be done without side effects or damage to the immune system; then we must expose and kill the cancer stem cells, finally to teach the immune system the cancer cells are the enemy and a major immune response. All this cannot be done using a few supplements or a diet or a remedy. Cancer is serious, some are more deadly than others such as colon and rectal cancers - these become aggressive much like pancreatic cancer, and move very quickly.
Jesicha's Hope seeks treatments that will create remissions on a consistent basis all across the globe. We have found one clinic that is right now consistently putting people into remission. Since most people seek treatments after they have exhausted conventional most of their patients are considered terminal when they come but go home in full remission. If you are wanting information on this clinic please email me: Please understand - because of their success rate we have been asked to screen all people for security reasons. We will answer your questions and provide all the information you need.