Parasites scattered everywhere, please help or advice!
Hello everyone,
I got very sick some time ago after trying herbs for a stomach/intestine ache for a few days. I felt a million things scatter, crawl, had severe brainfog and felt like dying (I think I was actually dying), but I had no idea what was happening.
Now I have severe pain stabs in my thighs/calfs/neck (feels like something BIG is there) and in the scalp/shoulders, muscle twitches from hell and pain when peeing etc. I also have this acute tinnitus that is like a maddening whistle in my head. It got so bad that I thought I was having meningitis, because it hurts so bad in my scalp and in my neck and ears and I feel stuff crawl there.
I thought this was either
parasites or lyme. Did an LTT test for Borrelia/Lyme and it was negative, that's a pretty accurate test. Also had an ELISA test for
Ascaris and Taenia solium and strongyloides the doctor said it was negative. They have no idea what I have. Now I'm confused. I still believe this to be parasites, what else could it be that scattered after taking herbs and put my whole body into shock with crawling sensations and now knife-stabs and twitches?
I am in excruciating amounts of pain and moving myself hurts like hell, because of those random stabs everywhere.
I presume I have a hyperinfection of something that sits in the muscles/joints/crawls in neck and head and gives massive migraines, nausea, buzzing in head and stiffness and even fevers sometimes. I fear my brain is either having or getting permanent damage from this. It's everywhere in my tissues now.
Is this even treatable? Any similar experiences? I get so much information but it's all over the place.I'm at my last ropes and I really can't live with this. My life is completely messed up and every day I wake up hoping to die. :/
Please, any help will be much appreciated.