I use to drink 2 pots of coffee a day. It was the only thing that kept me moving.
A friend bet me I couldn't stop drinking coffee. Of-course I took the bet. I had two weeks of the worst headache you can imagine but I stuck with it.
The best part is NOW i can drink 2 pots today and not drink any for a week. I have no problems with the addiction or headaches.
I think the brain builds structures when drinking caffeine and when you stop the caffeine the structures are screaming for their caffeine. Once you quit the structures dissipate. Hence the headache.
I would suggest you consider taking GABA for a week or so before quitting caffeine. I am thrilled with the neurological repair this Amino Acid does. I wish I had known about it when I quit coffee.
You are NOT crazy. You are probably like most of the rest of us and missing nutrients because our food sources are poor.