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And one more thought...V
blackkngold Views: 1,685
Published: 9 y
This is a reply to # 2,282,241

And one more thought...V

sometimes... it takes a little bit of space and time...
to truly understand things.

It's in my nature to go against the grain.
And as I said.....
I spent a lot of time on a site the exact opposite of this.

And I was the skunk at the picnic over there as well....

And once a year they have a big pow-wow and get together.
In July. In Las Vegas......

And you have people flying in from all around the world.

What are you kidding me???
and that is what I would tell them.
time is precious.
you are going to scrimp and save to spend your big vacation
of the year in an air-conditioned hotel on the Strip???
Listening to lectures???
What? are you f%cking kiddin' me????

I could drive there in a day and would never show up..
Someone from Australia?????


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