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blackkngold Views: 1,981
Published: 9 y
This is a reply to # 2,280,655


I tell ya Man....

"Its ok, I don't even remember. One has to figure, cz is not a place where healthy people hang out, we all have had our problems, issues, whatever. Its human nature to get upset on the internet"....

I left this site and spent two years on a site...
that is the exact opposite of this...

The weird thing is I tended to have more in common...
with them .... on the issues.....

But it was hardcore elitism....
People with 2 Harvard degrees.

...and you need to have your game face on...
at all times....
in order to survive...

finally I left....

I've carried part of that over... here. Now.
and I can recognize that... Now.
it takes awhile to completely shake it off.

You gotta steamroll and put the hammer down to survive.
You're going up against some tough characters.
You better come prepared.......

Elitism at it's best....

Life is too short for that.....


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