Hi. Some of us have to budget our money rather tightly. Youre on so many things it's hard to tell what it working. Im new also. Ive known I had parasites but like everyone here I test negarive. I have a perfect photograph of a trematod after he came through my skin intact. Anyway, I just started the DE and probably three tb per day. stomach was a little rough the first day and it seems like I might have aggitated the organisms because the itching is worse. Ive had biting too, after the negative result so I knew i had something else. Doctors have been terrible. The last one I tried to talk to actually laughed at me.
But thanks for your story. Do you think Ill do ok on one yogurt a day and the DE? (another site told me probiotics were good as is vitaminC, which i take in powder form. over one thousand mg per day.
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