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Re: Hyperinfection Hospice
Flossy Views: 2,024
Published: 10 y
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Re: Hyperinfection Hospice

There is proof if you take the time to go back many months and find the posts written in a different name.

This poster has been offered vast amounts of advice, help and support, absolutely none of which was taken or used in any way.

Iodine, I was not talking to you or the OP or in reference to the post when I spoke of my mother's narcissism. I was talking to another poster who addressed me personally.

Did you PM the OP and offer some very real help or support?

No? Just abusing other members on her behalf.

That may seem noble to you.

Still she lays in her bed dying of a parasite infestation with no practical action being taken, despite requests for help and guidance and suggestions being given in great detail by at least five other posters, well apart from myself.

That is only this time, apart from the other two or three times this has happened.



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