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Re: Hyperinfection Hospice
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Re: Hyperinfection Hospice

Did you use a zapper?? It is absolutely critical. Which is why so many 'authority' types on here are so anti-zapper, because big pharma knows it works and they're being paid to keep you in the 'need the medical industry' box. And if you did a zapper, did you use it right? Many of the folks I encounter here say---oh I tried Clark's protocol--not mentioning they only did one week of the two week cleanse, and never did the weekly follow up dose, or maybe only one dose even, or that they never zapped, or that they may have zapped maybe a couple of times and stopped, or didn't do the 7on/20 off that she recommends because some folks have too much body resistance to do duration zapping and so on--if that's you, then, no, you never did her protocol.

I am totally with you though--if the herbs and zapping hadn't worked, I'm sure I'd have gone to any length to be rid of the little buggers! My health--while not in shut down mode yet, like it sounds like yours was, was not at all good--I was diabetic, catching every bug that came along, was in frequent pain that was getting more frequent (hiatal herinia), constant back pain (which ended up being from liver stones which she also addresses)--gosh that was nearly 20 years ago--I know there was many more little things but I can't recall, but at 35 I had no energy left to live.

I had enough bad experiences with big pharma and their pet medical industry failing on curing even some of the simplest things, usually fungus based (Which always was just a total mystery to them. *ack* Probably because it's the underlying cause of 'cancer'; which I've gotten rid of--liver tumor, in part with Dr. Clark's protocol; and they don't want doctors to recognize it).

So I didn't wait for them to help me--I started on it right away when things got so uncomfortable. And ran into Dr. Clark's protocol almost immediately. I was relieved to see so many of my problems were from parasites, but a bit appalled by all the criteria of environment clean up and such. I finally decided I'd focus on the basic stuff of clearing parasites and worry about all that other stuff when I had energy to.

I eased into it as she recommends but even before the end of the two week initial cleanse, my blood Sugar was dropping significantly, so I knew something was working. Within a month, my blood Sugar was back to normal, and I never had another blowout from that hiatal hernia again (prior I'd be getting them 2-3 times a week), thank god--talk about unrelenting being stabbed in the gut kind of pain! Like I said, I know I had other smaller issues that obviously went away because I can't even remember what they were. It worked very quickly and easily for me. I'm sure, having got to the level your problems did, some of that other stuff was really helpful, but I wasn't there yet.

And while 'drugs' might kill the parasites too, there is always some toxin in them that is for the express purpose of killing you--slowly---painfully---and needing a LOT more of their 'drugs'. Honestly, if natural medicine didn't work how did we as a species survive?? Magic, or something? 'Modern' medicine is less than 100 years old. Think about it.

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