Parasiitic hyperinfection and hospice. Maybe CZ isn't the place to be posting since I want Hospice. Three years of corticosteroids with a parasitic infection has robbed me of my life. The scattered worms are a far cry from just strongyloides. They are ascaris, tapes, and likely strongyloides. I've seen that people with severe parasitic infections can get Hospice. How?
I'm not a wimp. I am bedridden ill. IV after IV after IV of steroids for weeks on end than prednisone pills on end created a monster of an infection. I'm terminal. None of my blood labs are normal nor are my EKGs. I never wanted this, it's just what happened.
I have requested Hospice from my old neighbor, a psychiatrist. Not sure that shrinks can approve Hospice. I have known him thirty years, so I felt comfortable asking him. Meanwhile, my GP and ID docs have only known me for less than a yr.
So sad this happened to not just me but my symptomatic kids.