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Re: More Info on Dosages of Albendazole
Flossy Views: 1,633
Published: 10 y
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Re: More Info on Dosages of Albendazole

Raz, Don't look for nausea as a sign of effectiveness now.

You won't get any more nausea now. The rotten bodies would have been cleared up and the amount that hatch and get killed from now on is not enough to give you nausea. The nausea is Herxing from rotting bodies and bacteria.

Focus now on whether you get any nips.

That is the sign you need to look for to see if you are mite-free or getting any more hatchers.

If you have had mites for over three months you could have hatchers for as long as a year or 18 months.

So, now I would move to a regime that covered the cycle of hatching.

In my opinion, that would be 10 days off and 4 days on for a total of another year.

That's just based on my experience with this and is not to be followed blindly by anyone. People with less of an infestation could have much less hatching. But you only need one pregnant female running around and digging back in your skin to start another infestation all over again.

So, again, I would dose once a fortnight for a year.

Then for four days every six months if symptom-free after a year.

That is what I am going to do anyway.


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