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Re: 60 Day Water Fast Journey for weight loss, plus some questions and possibly motivation!
kmg4 Views: 1,586
Published: 10 y
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Re: 60 Day Water Fast Journey for weight loss, plus some questions and possibly motivation!

I second Archus in saying that starting off with a 60-day Water Fast is not just dangerous, it is also not the best way for an obese person to lose weight.

For one thing, a Water Fast is much more applicable for someone seeking autolysis, rather than weight loss.

I have never been overweight myself, but everything I have seen about successful weight loss has been through one of two avenues :

1) 60-100 day juice fast. Not water.


2) Gradual ramp up of water fasts, as described below :

One good rule of thumb is to never do a fast more than twice as long as your prior fast. Always start small (say, 2 days), refeed with fruits/vegetables and stay on that diet, then do the longer fast, but never more than twice as long as the prior.

Do 2 days. Then 4 days. Then 8 days. Then 16 days. If you really need more, then 32 days, but you may not need to go that far.


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