Hey Everybody, I got sorta a lot to write so please bear with me...
Last few days I've been researching and reading about
Water Fasting to see if it's safe and will help me lose lots of weight. After finding so many real testimonies and stories of people going on long fast (30 days plus) on this site I decided I am going to stand up for the first time in my life and give it my best to lose weight and change my life.
I've got no one to blame but myself for this mess I'm in, my entire childhood I was beaten pretty bad by my alcoholic father (so was my mom) and we were really poor and even after he left when I was 12, I felt extremely depressed and turned to the most available, most addictive and powerful drug in the world...junk food. Junk Food never beat me, it is always there for you, tastes delicious and makes you feel so good,but that is not the case for your actual health & well being.
Sorry for rambling on, here's the important part...
I'm doing a 60 DAY WATER FAST, currently on day 3 (Started on 9/22/15)
My starting weight is 320
pounds and my height is 5'11. I'm going strong, I want to change my life, no more getting treated terribly and being a weakling hiding in my bedroom for months on end because I'm scared to go outside... I want to live, that's my motivation. Every 7 days I'm going to post a mini journal entry of what I've done, how I feel, etc. I also have a few questions I hope ya'll can answer.
Just a speck of doubt in my mind, but is it safe to do a 60 day fast, (320
pounds 5'11) I was planning on going to 75 if I still had the energy to do so by day 60.
Have any of you gone on a 60 Day or longer water fast? If so please tell me about your weight loss and how the experience was! (Also you should be very proud of such incredible progress).
How much will I lose (guesstimate) ?
That's pretty much it. Once again everyone thanks for reading sorry for any mistakes or errors I'm not that bright, just want to lose weight and live life (lol).
I've had a traumatic short life, and missed out on a childhood and so many experiences that I saw everyone else get to have, but you know what? I'm tired of living horrible, scared to leave my house, no friends, being a burden on my mom. It's time I do something about it, It is never too late to change your life, I want to feel happiness,so I'm going to give it my all to make sure I acquire it.