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Re: 60 Day Water Fast Journey for weight loss, plus some questions and possibly motivation!
archus Views: 1,504
Published: 10 y
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Re: 60 Day Water Fast Journey for weight loss, plus some questions and possibly motivation!

I have mentioned this to another poster already. 60 days fasting with water only is unrealistic goal and a dangerous one especially people who are obese.

I congratulate you on great self reflection. That is a good beginning. People tend to think that because they have a lot of fat to lose, they can go for a long time with water only. In many cases obese people go in starvation mode even when they have excess weight after a long fast of 30+ days.

You should definitely fast, but plan for 30 days, feed for 30 days and then 30 day fast. During feeding period only have juices and raw foods. You will continue losing weight gradually that way.

Meanwhile drink as per thirst, rest and keep warm. Walk everyday for 20 minutes to lose more weight. You can expect to lose 1lb per day on average. Initially you may lose more per day.

Keep up the good job. Yes, please share your experience here for support and so we all can learn from your experience.



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