Severe Gout after Fasting
I have severe pain in my left toe and it is swollen, red and very sensitive to touch. I did my ES/H2O2 foot soaks, but temp relief. After I broke my fast I have been on green organic juices, tomatoes and avocados. I have had lemons and apples in some juices.
I have had this happen to me three times since I have been fasting. I read many articles, watched videos that say that fasting sometimes create access Uric acid.
I have tried cherry juices, baking soda, mustard oil rub, and now going for ACV drink. The pain is unbearable, and I don't take pain killers. I am also making a mix of turmeric, ginger and fenugreek powder to take it with water throughout the day.
If you have any other remedies please help.
I ate some dates, honey in my lavender tea, but other than that I do not eat any sugars.