Cured of Blastocystis hominis infection using 6 week protocol
Hello fellow reluctant Blastocystis hominis hosts,
[Before I begin, let me point out that when I first tried to post this message, some hyperlinks appeared linking some of my words to other websites (e.g. "black walnut" went to some herbal company's website, "enemas" went to some other page about enemas). I don't know how to prevent that from happening, so I apologize if there are any hyperlinks. I'm not trying to endorse any particular products or articles on the web. There should be no hyperlinks in my message, so please ignore them if they appear.]
So, here's my story:
After trying to treat my Blastocystis hominis infection for two years, I finally found a cocktail that worked successfully for me! I had already tried Flagyl and Paromomycin and an herbal protocol containing
Black-Walnut and goldenseal, and none was successful. Actually, the Paromomycin eradicated another
parasite that I had (Dientamoeba fragilis), but I still had the B. hominis. Then I came across the Healthy Gut Summit interviews, wherein I heard two interviews with gut experts Anne Louise Gittleman and Dr. Leo Galland. They both mentioned that they had treated B. hominis successfully with herbal/supplement protocols. I combined their two approaches for a 6-week protocol, and now, 1.5 months after finishing the protocol, my follow-up stool samples have come back with no B. hominis present. I have regained most of the weight I lost when I was infected, and my stools have improved dramatically.
Here is what I did:
I was already on a low glycemic index diet that eliminated all possible gut irritants including dairy, grains, night-shade vegetables, sugars and sweeteners, alcohol, caffeine, tofu, legumes (beans, peas, lentils, soy): the Auto-Immune Protocol diet (as found in The Paleo Approach, by Sarah Ballantyne). I was focusing on lightly cooked vegetables, bone broths, a variety of meats and seafood, and organ meat once or twice per week. I was also taking l-glutamine, Vitamin D, iodine, digestive enzymes, and fish oil (highest quality, toxin-free) for gut support and support of my hypothyroid.
Before starting the protocol, I showed my doctor the protocol, including the list of herbs/supplements that it contains, in order to ensure that it wouldn't interfere with other conditions that I have. I wasn't taking any medications, so I didn't need to worry about effects of the protocol on my medications.
For a week before starting the protocol, I continued this diet and drank a glass of long-cooked bone broth daily, and I took Prescript Assist (soil-based probiotic) daily.
Then the protocol began. I took the following for 6 weeks:
- Unikey's My Colon Cleansing Kit (it contains detailed instructions about what foods and supplements to avoid during the protocol to ensure its effectiveness)(Anne Louise Gittleman developed this product)
- Thorne's SF722 (an essential fatty acid that apparently helps to break down the cyst structure, Unikey's wellness consultants explained)
- Berberine - 500 mg once per day (or 250 mg with breakfast and 250 mg with lunch). I added the berberine, because it was one herb that Dr. Galland uses that wasn't included in the Colon Cleansing Kit
At the end of each week on the protocol and at the very end of the 6 weeks I performed a
coffee enema to help flush out the
parasite and its waste products. I did a lot of research on
coffee enemas to ensure that I was doing it optimally. I flushed my colon with a
Sea Salt enema first (using purified or tested spring water), then did two
coffee enemas in a row (holding each one for about 10 minutes).
Apparently it is very important to follow the diet and supplement recommendations found in Unikey's Colon Cleansing Kit during the protocol (for example, you're supposed to stay off sugar, alcohol, antioxidant supplements etc... things that the
parasite thrives on and things that can increase gut inflammation).
After the protocol was complete, I just continued to follow my low glycemic index Auto-Immune Protocol diet, and resumed all my previous supplements, making sure to continue probiotic supplementation and eating probiotic foods every day (esp. sauerkraut with live cultures).
By day 7 of the protocol, my stools went from daily diarrhea or constipation that would last 2 days to a good daily stool that was firm. When I was finished with the protocol, my stools continued to be good, except for a few days here and there when they were loose again. At first I thought, "Oh no, the Blasto is back!" but after a few days my stools improved again and for the past month they have been consistently good.
Unikey has Wellness Consultants on a toll-free number who are ready and willing to answer any questions you have about the protocol, and they have experience treating people for Blastocystis hominis. When I first called them, the one I spoke to said she had personally treated 3 patients with Blasto in the preceding 5 months, and all 3 were cured of it. For Blasto infection it's important to take the SF722 product along with the Colon Cleansing Kit. She also said that if you have had the infection for a long time, then it might take 2 or 3 rounds of the protocol to successfully eradicate it. She said the Colon Cleansing Kit can be taken for up to 6 months straight if necessary.
After I did the protocol once, I started doing it a second time just to make sure I was rid of the Blasto, but I started feeling nauseous while taking the herbs, which I think was my body telling me that it didn't need to do a second round. Perhaps my liver needed a break too. In the end, I didn't need to do the second round.
I have since been trying to be careful to wash my hands before eating and practicing careful hygiene, because I don't want to reinfect myself with any cysts that might be still lying around the house on door knobs etc. I don't know how long they remain viable for, so I'm being cautious.
Please note that this is not medical advice as I am not a medical expert. Consult your medical or naturopathic doctor for support through this process. But I thought I should share my story in case it is helpful for others out there.