Re: What Would You Do Different.
I would have completely skipped the idea of a natural herbal remedy. It just made things worse and in the end I was much more debilitated by the herbs than the meds.
I would have focused more on getting the right supplements and not listened to all the people that kept saying it wasn't necessary. If I had known more about the supplements in the beginning I would not have gotten a hyper-infection. I've always taken supplements but never did an in depth study to make sure I was getting the right ones in the right amounts.
I would have never went to a DX and then believed them when they told me that I couldn't have parasites. I believed them and now I am suffering more than I could have imagined.
I would have went directly to taking Fenbedazole and Ivermectin. Assumed I had
parasites even though I had not seen any.
But, I didn't know CZ existed. It didn't exist when I first thought I had
parasites in the 70's.
I only accidentally found CZ when I was searching for an answer in 2010. I don't even want to imagine what would have happened to me if I hadn't found CZ.