I would have started treating myself for something biting me first up, instead of listening to doctors and everyone else who said it was allergies.
I wish I had never gone near a doctor.
My GP of 15 years put "Delusional Parasitises?" on my records so even if I see another doc in that practise, any words to do with
parasites are ignored.
I wish I had got straight onto the net and studied.
I wish I had not waited a year until they started running all over me.
I wish I had punched the woman who's house I got them from when she proudly told me who she had not cleaned in 20 years. (Oh, how bohemian of you).
I wish I had reported her house to the local council as a health hazard.
I wish I had not listened to the people on other forums who scared me into stopping what was working for me. Twice I was almost cured and twice I got scared off by people saying I was lying about what I was taking (Moxidectin).
I wish I had got every "nest' cut out as soon as it was revealed. ( by bathing in lye in a bathtub, yes, lye and water, 5 tablespoons to a bathtub) Then scrub lightly with a nail brush. It reveals the nests.
I wish I had trusted myself more. I knew what was work,king for me and what was not. I wish I realised we might all have different parasites.
I believe I have Springtails.
I wish I had the guts to tell every doctor I have seen that I am not paying for their "care"as they have not provided a service at all.
I am currently on Albendazole and am getting my old nests cut out. Yet again, I can only find doctors who will only take out one a time and most refuse to take out any.
I wish I had some local anaesthetic and a friend with a strong stomach.
The healthcare system is a joke.
If I wanted to have to talk to narcissistic, arrogant a##holes who are controlling and don't respect me, I would go back to my first and second husband and also try to raise my horrible mother from the dead, so she could do her magic as well.
Do i sound bitter? You bet I am. I stopped counting the dollars at $15,000 and that was eighteen months ago.
What would I do different? I would hit em every single day with either Ivermectin, Moxidecin or Albendazole (skin mites) and keep careful records of side effects and results and trust myself.
Whichever one gave the best noticeable sense of lessening.
Consistent regular doses, not high doses
I would treat internally with these and use a topical like Gum
Turpentine twice a day................................................FOR NO LESS THAN 18 months. DAILY.
I would not let myself believe I was cured. I would continue anyway.
Then I would treat for one week a month. Then taper it down to every six months for a week.
PS. I spoke to a company in India who makes a spray for dogs with maggoty wounds. They told me the spray is mainly Pure Spirit Gum
Turpentine with Eucalyptus Oil. I made my own and brush it on twice a day with a pastry brush.
I also make sure to exfoliate every day or two after soaking as these things build up their film with our dead skin cells.
Thanks for listening to me vent. It helps to get the anger out.
The injustice of it all is maddening.
Best wishes to you all. I hate it for you.
PPS I have just started taking the Pure Spirit Gum
Turpentine in the hope of ridding my body of any biofilm in the bowel or tissues and any fungus that I may have.
I am taking a teaspoon on three
Sugar cubes every day for a week then twice a week long term. I never want this back. I want to smell so disgusting to every
parasite in the world that they shrivel when I walk by. I feel the same about my ex0-husbands, but I have a good one now. :)