Re: Lowish Estrogen levels with highish Progesterone levels : still Mastodynia ???
If u d ve asked me 1 year ago (as i ve finally been without breastpain and my TSH was back from 3,6 to 1,9) after being on
Iodine for about a year : i could ve sworn
Iodine supplementation helped me.
Right now i dunno whats going on....
of course i could just calm myself coz other ppl here experienced re.appearance of breastpain as well...
but i still find my breastpain (since being cycle related) kinda different....
we ll see what i say in 1-2 months :P
Yea since eating plantbased i know much more about nutrition than in 2012....
and that supplements r needed. Plantbased or not.
also i ve tried lowering to "only" 12,5 mg of
Iodine last summer and the result was that my TSH went from 1,9 to 3,4 in only a few months. Also my mastodynia reappeard.
All to see on Instagram ( Stephyplantbased ) if u care to see some black on white lab results :P
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