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Re: How to know if Iodine I have is REAL Iodine and NOT something else? (poison/harmful)
azurefields Views: 2,240
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Re: How to know if Iodine I have is REAL Iodine and NOT something else? (poison/harmful)

"i dont think they mix in anything weird.

J crows Lugols Solution is just distilled water and some mg.g of Iodine and iodide.

Iodine and Iodide if bought in bulk is SOOOOOOOOOO cheap.

Why would they even think about diluting it in any way."

That's a good point except that in terms of mass producing a product every single penny you save adds up to a lot of money saved for the bottom line.

Consider processed and baked goods that cut the wheat flour with soy flour. Soy flour is cheaper. But when you look at the ingredients list they cut the flour by something like 2% of the flour.

You might think why do they even bother adding soy flour if it's at such a low percentage? Doesn't even seem worthwhile does it. Except, every penny saved adds to the bottom line where mass producing is concerned.

I should say in Lugol's Iodine case, they probably don't cut it with alcohol. They just dilute with distilled and it's really 4% or 3%. Save lots o' money that way.


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