Re: Day 18 and a question.
Congratulations on 18 days completion of your 30 day fast and weight loss.
I would not take anything orally for gas. I usually do not recommend enema, but that is done by many fasters.
Here is another good non-enervating way that may help. First, drink hot water as much hot as you can handle. Rub Castor oil on your belly and put a flannel sheet on it then hot water bottle or heating pad on it. If you can do this over night that may move stuff out and perhaps get the gas moving.
You can also try Paschimotanasana and Balasana to relieve gas. You can google or YouTube it to see how it's done. This gentle so should not be too strenuous for your body.
You have a good plan to refast. Vegans do better with fasts.
Why are you having an endoscopy? If you can get the stent out after you start re-feeding that would be the best.
Do not worry about weight loss stalling, one of these days you will lose two or three lbs in one single day.
Are you drinking water as per thirst only?
You have done so well with your fast and great choice to heal your body. After two weeks of re-feeding I would look in to some probiotics to help the gut flora. Now most of the conditions are proven to be caused by lack of good bacterium in our gut.
Great job!