10 y
Re: Worms, but all tests negative
I recommend you search for Mattk's posts and follow his protocols. It's all about getting your body balanced enough that it can help fight
parasites with meds and supplements. Until your body is "in alignment", so to speak, all the meds in the world won't cure you. If you got zero relief, even for a few days, with all those meds then you are extremely infected and will need a very calculated plan to get back your health. There is no quick fix and you will need to adjust your lifestyle accordingly.
I also strongly recommend a cease and desist with the medical community. It's a dead end street as far as
parasites are concerned. Take photos of what you find in your stool so you can try to get a positive ID. Once you know which
parasites you have you can find the correct drugs and protocol to use on curezone. Just quit with the doctors and stool tests though. Ain't nobody got time for that.