Re: dhea-help!
"that taking DHEA is similar to, yet not as detrimental as, taking cortisone."
I really don't think that is true. Look at the diagram here
Notice that cortisol and other glucocorticoids are not downstream from testosterone and DHEA ( not abbreviated in the diagram )
At your age you might like the effect of 10mg x2 per day of pregnenolone, maybe even more if followup tests suggest that.
Unfortunately a few people who are chemically sensitive might not even tolerate those low doses.
I don't see why you think there is a "detrimental" aspect to taking hydrocortisone. When a person can't make enough, taking an appropriate dose can have wonderful effects on having enough energy to be functional. There have been some really heart warming stories.
Of course there have been plenty of unpleasant stories from those who misused it, somewhat like you apparently did with DHEA.