Blog: Twisting the Cat’s Tale
by Savagegrace

m.i.c.k.e.y m.o.u.s.e.

Less than a month to freedom.

Date:   8/12/2015 8:35:49 PM   ( 10 y ) ... viewed 1692 times

As I leave the house heading to work, a car at the end of my street (almost always a different car) takes off like a bat from hell. They or another one (or more) will do a passive block (or acclamation to cause an accident) as I drive to the freeway.

Sixteen miles from home, I glance to the right and scan the on-ramp. It's one of those that has no traffic because it's a dead end. A dull black truck with an insignia I can't make out is parked far down the slope of the on-ramp. If its a police car and doesn't move before I lose sight of it, there's less than a 10 percent chance it will come up from behind. It doesn't move before I lose sight of it. If it's not the police then it's a 95 percent chance, it'll show up in around ten miles.

Six miles further ahead, I'm in the slow lane when the Cadillac that was sandbagging in the fast lane hits it's right turn blinker and shoots over 3 lanes next to me. The purpose of course is to get me to speed up. I do so as I can't be sure of their motives, yet. It becomes clear as I immediately scan ahead and locate a highway patrol car parked in the median with radar. I slow and continue on. This is where the cars that have been sandbagging me suddenly come alive to show they can go faster than I (even though I'm not speeding) and get off at the next exit.

Five more miles and I'm in the area where another car taking over for the one that got off, will come up from behind and either get in my blind spot or see how close they can get to my bumper, perhaps with their brights on. I spot the black truck attempting to track me. I sandbag and allow it to get close. I've placed my left hand at the top of the drivers window, middle finger extended. In my mirrors I see the emblem has the word Warden below it. The driver who was actively trying to get ahead of me, loses focus on driving when they see my finger and drops back. Too funny. The black truck stays behind me even though they could get ahead. As we get to my exit and the road forks, the "Warden", like a petulant child, hits the gas peddle, proving me right.

Just last week, another sandbagger stomps the gas before my exit but continues down my exit. The majority do the petulant child foot stomp (TT's or cops). This however was with intent. Curious, I increase my speed so I can see what the driver does. Knowing the light at that early time of morning. They could get to the light before me, trigger it and force me to "wait" a longer period of time. Sounds Mickey Mouse? That's what these people are. I see the car stop at the light, unlike during the day, it immediately shifts the green for opposing traffic to yellow. I maintain my present high rate of speed, it will be a short light, but I should be able to slide though. Before the yellow turns to red and our red to green, the driver jumps into the intersection. What the hell? Suddenly, the yellow turns to green and my red remains. The driver continues to complete the turn. Snicker, we had already deduced that they were using one of these devices (because of other lights changing when they shouldn't). It's so nice to have caught it on video.

A couple of days later I'm hitting the same light, I know from experience the green I've got will change before I can make the intersection. My savant abilities prevent me from slowing down, there is no need. I've been though that light thousands of times. I realize they had tried to turn the light early, leaving me stuck with a normal timed light. Their timing sucks as usual.

Yesterday I had the crew from Nevada again along with another out of state driver. Another white Caddy (different model) was doing the sandbag routine. The out of state driver had shown his hand earlier by "needing" to get ahead of me, but then sandbag. The Caddy and out of stater did some weird shifting of lanes at my exit. The placement goes with the Caddy in my driver side blind spot and the OoS in front of me, who just decides to hit their brakes for no reason. Oh, pardon me if I don't pull into my blind spot to avoid your bumper, thus hitting the Caddy.

So? What is this all about? It's about causing an accident with the sandbagging car that's just moping along. These people (cops & TTs) have been in the insurance fraud business for years.

As I make the turn and I'm one mile from home, I scan the mile before me. There are no cars turning into my complex. A full minute later I turn and head towards the security gates. Why look at that, a car that's been waiting for me just activated the code and the gates are opening. Over and over they "acclimate" me with driving slow, hitting their brakes, turning into the first turn.....ever so slowly. I "acclimate" by driving "around" them.

This is done over a hundred times (I kid you not). This time, the driver pulls to the curb (like she's going to park) just before the turn and hits her brakes hard. I snicker, I stop and wait. Seeing that I'm refusing to go around her, (so that she can turn her blinker on as I pass and then T-bone me), she continues on.

As I pull to the curb in front of my house, it's twilight, a van at the end of my street, where the car raced from this morning, pulls a u-turn with it's high-beams facing in my direction.

Over and over and over.

This will be the last month this occurs.

An aside-
We're getting groceries from the car, my wife points out a car identical to mine. Oh great, no doubt they're using that to fool people it's me.

Things have gotten much worse for my wife. She'll need both back & gyno surgery. She's having to cath several times a day (sometimes needing my help) and her anus and bladder are trying to exit the front door. Not a pleasant sight I assure you. I had intentions of terminating this in 2007, but didn't due to her issues, hoping at some point things would get better for her. Things have never gotten better for her, just worse.

Receptionists and nurses at Doctor's offices, as well as a couple of Doctors (Why would you jeopardize your career?) including people at the pharmacy, have played their little games thinking there wouldn't be payback.

Well good people, it's time for you to pay.

Not to worry, it's just 16 million, a piece of paper and a couple of other minor things. I would like to thank Homeland InSecurity in advance. After all, what's the use of having mystical, magical and lets face it, illegal powers? If you can't use them to cover your own ass.

Your Humble Servant

Gracefully Savage

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