Blog: Twisting the Cat’s Tale
by Savagegrace

Trippin' with the self-righteous.

I shall overcome!

Date:   6/24/2014 7:51:40 PM   ( 11 y ) ... viewed 1516 times

So a couple of weeks ago another attempt to get me in an accident. In the 4 miles to the freeway I have a TT car sandbaggin' me all the way there. I get ahead of the car before we get to the last couple of lights, as the driver is setting a sedate pace. The light turns green and I head across the intersection towards a long line of cars waiting to turn onto the freeway. The lane next to me is empty or was, should I say, as the sandbagger is now doing ~70, cuts over in front of me and slams on the brakes. What's weirder, a high end car has suddenly appeared in the empty lane, he to, has hit the brakes even though no one is in front of him. Both have stopped with the intention of me rear ending them. The plan fails, thank goodness!

Too funny, the high end car is on loan from a dealership for the sole purpose of being able to outrun my car. I wonder if they know it's being used to cause an accident? My understanding is the dealer owns ~5 dealerships, shortly to be only 2 or 3.

The next day 2 teams attempt to get me a ticket involving the Highway Patrol. The first on my way to work, they try for me to outrun them and head into a waiting patrol car's radar. The second on the way home they try to bracket me on a side road I use to bypass freeway traffic. I'm amazed they do this during peak hour traffic using several officers in civilian cars. As we approach the turn off I normally use there's a black and white ahead turning onto my usual turn, there is a van whose driver is giving a thumbs up out the drivers window, to the B&W and the truck that attempted to cut in front of me getting off the freeway. So geez? Just how many were there?

I snicker, I bypass my turnoff as the van follows the path of the B&W. The driver of the truck is beside himself. Oh the failure of grandiose plans by literals! His speed drops well below the speed limit as, like most literal cops when their fantasy's fail, he can't cope with reality. I'm halfway to the next light with the truck, who had been close, far behind me. Apparently frustration and anger came over him and I see a huge burst of speed well beyond the speed limit and the gap closes quickly. I've come upon stopped traffic and took a lane he couldn't get next to. He takes the left turning lane in an apparent attempt to communicate his imagined slight. He stops next to me but one lane over, well ahead of the end of the turning lane. Which, no one else is in. Pausing there he realizes I'm nonchalantly looking straight ahead and will not look over to see his need to justify his self induced emotions.

My wife and I are coming back from the store. A small silver sports car driven by a psychotic cop in civies, is in front of us doing under the speed limit of course. He goes into a left turning lane, intentionally riding the white line with his car now in both lanes. Attempting to force me and all the traffic behind me to slow. The slower lane next to me is clear and I simply cut over and around. Due to his vanity, he wears snug fitting clothes to show off his steroid physic and wears a large gold watch on his left wrist. It's the same nut job who years ago, put his sports car partially in a driveway forcing my dog and I to walk around his car. Utter arrogance, how did this swine passed a mental exam? Blackmail I should think.

I met the guy who gave tests to the LA department decades ago, it was easy to see why they had such problems back then, oh wait! Still do!

He's also the one who was dumb enough to use the branded security car years ago to harass me getting to and on the freeway.

So I turn off our street heading to work and lo and behold, a car sits at the mouth of an adjoining street. There is plenty of time for him to pull out. But oh no, he waits until I'm almost to him and then jumps out to cut me off. The sandbagger has erred. I do not allow him to take over the lane. I hit the stop sign and make a left coming to our communities gates and causing them to slowly open. As they open he has driven up behind me opens his car door and stands up behind it glaring. The inflections of his posture indicates he has something on the seat, I assume a gun. I flip him off (I have no fear of idiots) and drive on. As I come to the main street coming from our complex, I stop and see a car approaching in the slow lane, but with plenty of time, I exit and immediately put the blinker on and move to the fast lane. I watch as the sandbagger ignores the stop sign, pulling out directly in front of the oncoming car. He got lucky, a near miss. A mile further down the street another stop sign but the street has gone to a single lane. I'm unaware that he's gone into the oncoming traffic lane so he could turn at the same time as me. Even though the street we were turning onto was 2 lanes it didn't go well for him as I had moved to the fast lane forcing him into the fast oncoming lane. Not my intention but it did subdue his self righteousness.

I could have told you about the fire engine that was involved in the last story, but you wouldn't have believed me.

Ah well, fun and games, I've decided to retire the end of July. The wife and I have been getting the house ready to sell the past year. I think I'll have the dealer give my wife a brand new car, perhaps an Equus, not something we would buy ourselves. I'll have him put it on our driveway with the pink-slip. After all, it's only fair.


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