Blog: Twisting the Cat’s Tale
by Savagegrace

God's Sandbox

God..."front man of known personage"

Date:   12/5/2011 9:19:59 AM   ( 14 y ) ... viewed 2433 times

As I've stated before, meditation can be used for many things and in many ways.

During what I call my New Age period, I read a lot of "out there" books and some not so out there. It also included several types of bodywork's.

A chiropractor who would hold your feet, come up with a word, go to your head and press different areas of the skull while you related the word to your world experience. This caused imprints to be eliminated. I use to get uptight at work, it would cause my lower jaw to shift forward to the point of not being able to close my teeth together. This no longer occurs, as well as a number of other stress issues.

NST or NeuroStructural integration Technique. I actually had a third eye experience in one of these sessions.

There was a third one that I can't recall, as well as going to a "regular" chiropractor and even an acupuncturist a couple of times over the last several decades.

Why? A regular chiropractor and acupuncturist relieves present stress and can give relief to imprinted stress pain.

It cannot, (for the most part) deactivate the imprinted trigger. So while you may feel better after treatment, you will be hit with the pain again when triggered.

If you're into "enlightenment" a good place to start in understanding what I call "enlightenment training" is "The Three Pillars of Zen" by Philip Kapleau.

A bit repetitive but outstanding in getting a handle on what it takes to go there.

Years ago I became "connected". Once for 2 weeks and then 2 weeks later for 2 days. I couldn't listen to music on the commute to work as I was "listening" to the connection.

Not really any good way to describe it.

You knew you weren't alone, because you were "connected", period.

Following that I went into a year long depression, this was made manifest by the use of Splenda. Or was that, Splenda was made manifest.....

I did not pine for connection, I did not yearn for being enlightened.

So was I depressed due to the use of Splenda or being disconnected?

Or is this how the physical realm is created by the mental realm?

I wrote about Splenda years ago and how I got verification from a cousin who experienced the same rapid onslaught of depression heading towards suicide.

No, it only affects a few this way.

So questions come up. Was I connected to "Godhead"? Why the disconnect? Due to lack of any "real" Zen training over an extended period of time? Did I lack the Zen background stages of training? Such as meditating on my own death for hours at a time?

So perhaps, I made the connection but had no mental framework, such as Zen training or being Christian or Muslim to "allow" a "front man of known personage" to show as the invisible connection?

Did you know if you're sick and get close to an Enlightened you "can" be cured.

An Enlightened knows this does happen, but doesn't know why.

An Enlightened could cure you but knows he shouldn't (Not God's plan) and most likely won't.

An Enlightened not past the second level of enlightenment can have ego and say, "I'm Enlightened and you're not!"

(You did know there are many levels of Enlightenment?)

For the most part the Enlightened may not promote themselves.

In cases where you see it, it's the followers (for the most part) that propagate their "teachers" sayings, quotes etc.

So if I understand this, a framework is setup while learning Zen. You "may" get connected and learn the face of God.

But in doing so and gaining a significant amount of "power", you may not use it even for doing what normal people think of as doing good.

Because after all, they, not being Enlightened, do not understand God's plan.

If you're Christian and become connected (thou you never purposely tried to make a REAL connection), do you say you speak to God and perform miracles? Not understanding the why, how or inconsistency perhaps?

The Enlightened however are a special case. Almost all trained specifically for (the possibility) of connecting.

Is it not entertaining to see people gaining powers they are not allowed to use?

It makes me think of a Sandbox used for on a computer to contain things which could be good or bad.

But I do wonder, has any Enlightened, after so much hard effort.

Ever thought that they may have created their own Sandbox?

That the yearning to be with God within this physical realm, may have taken them out of "this life"?

Your Humble Servant,

Gracefully Savage

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