Blog: Twisting the Cat’s Tale
by Savagegrace

RoadHogs! Now that's funny....;-)

Vignettes and warrants galore! Kinda long.

Date:   12/18/2014 6:48:40 PM   ( 11 y ) ... viewed 9068 times

Greets and Salutations!

A little of this, a little of that.
In "The delay?" I tell about the hill incident. The following morning as I approach the same area, a speeding car coming from an adjoining on-ramp passes me on the way up the hill. I tag them with a 96% chance of being stalkers. They get about half a mile ahead of me and dodge around several cars, attempting to hide from my view, then proceed to sandbag, allowing me, within a couple of minutes, to catch up with them.

I allow them to remain in front of me and indeed they contrive to block my getting around them. A large truck, what we've come to call a "penis envy truck" (Usually with illegal tinting) as it seems to be commonly used by officers to compensate for their lack of....well, you know, suddenly changes it driving behavior and proceeds to sandwich me between the two of them, riding my bumper. Oh my, I'm so....terrified. Yeah, right.

After a little while he backs off and I push ahead leaving them both behind.
I can't tell you how old this has gotten. Let's see, I have them sandbagging me to and from the freeway everyday, not once but usually twice. They have faked giving tickets, faked having altercations between drivers in their misguided attempts in "teaching" me how to drive.

The business with coming into my lane was brought about by an officer in a large PET edging into my lane without even realizing it. Then I ever so nonchalantly returned the favor. Being unaware he started it, he turned it into a big to-do, so it's become something they do thinking I'm the one needing to learn about staying in my own lane. Too funny!
This morning I got to honk my horn at a local police officer who attempted to change lanes without looking in their blind spot and would have hit me had I not braked and hit my horn. So? Was it done intentionally or not? Of course it was. Prior, we had both made a right turn together and there was hesitation on their part because they wanted to stay in the lane next to mine, to be able to pull the stunt off.

The TT's have once again changed their driving behavior. Apparently not liking what I've written about their lack of driving skills. Skills to them by the way means driving faster than you. Several have been "pushing" the envelope and creating more dangerous situations just to "prove" how much faster they are. It's completely lost on these types that they are proving the opposite.

Yo, TT's and piggies, it isn't about speeding and never has been. Now using better cars and showing you can be speedier than me doesn't get you coup. I counted more coup against you when I had my 4 banger mini truck.
So yesterday I get a call at work by a nasty sounding officer telling me I had a warrant put out for my arrest. What was weird is he was demanding to know what I was going to do about it. "Well gee, as you are mistaken, I'm not going to do anything about it". Click. But of course they called my wife first and then, wouldn't tell her what it was for doing!

Is this the first time? Oh no! Several weeks earlier I got a call at work by another nasty officer and was told I had not one but two warrants! One for not showing up for jury duty and another for not showing up before a judge for not showing up for jury duty. Wow, were you able to follow that? So? How would you feel if you never got a letter for duty and the first thing you hear is you've got 2 warrants! Is that cool or what! Was that the first time? Oh hell no.
The teenager at the door, possibly the son of an officer. Proclaims to be a Christian, I thank him but say no thanks. After all, I've been though tough times that I wouldn't have made it though if JC and I weren't real tight. As I'm closing the door he says he can help with the "stress". This tells you everything you need to know why this is being done. I ponder it's sad I don't have a baseball bat in the corner to bludgeon him to death with. But, well, JC, God and my Wife wouldn't like that.
I'm following my wife to the auto shop so they can do maintenance on her car. We're doing the speed limit but a car next to me keeps pulling up beside me. I ignore the car as I know it's a TT. There is a police car further down the road with it's lights flashing. No, they're not giving a ticket, it's for me. We make a turn and I flip the driver off. He "suddenly" makes the turn to follow us. It's two miles to the dealership and as we cross over railroad tracks I think about stopping and leaving him stuck on the tracks.

At the dealership he explains he was attempting to get us to slow down as that road is a radar trap area. He didn't appreciate trying to be a "good guy" and getting flipped off. He removes his seat-belt as though to get out of his van. Of course, he doesn't.

Several weeks later as I come up to the first entrance into my neighborhood, a vehicle shoots out in front of me so I have to hit my brakes. I tagged along behind as he turns into the second entrance which is the one I use. He pulls to the curb and gets out. Smiles and waves as I drive by. Why look, it's Mister "good guy". I would only need to veer a few feet over to cut him in two between our cars. Oh wait, I've never physically harmed anyone.
Shortly after the fraudulent mailbox incident, three black SUV's are out front of our house. Heavily armed officers make a grandiose showing for my wife and our neighbors. (After all, they KNOW, I'm at work, it's all for show) They tell my wife I'm dangerous. My wife tells me later, "It was hard not to laugh in their faces". Sigh, she knows me too well.

A lot more to come.

But wait, with that set of Ginsu knives, you get the scenarios of what could have happened. And yo! Homeland In-Security, the second set of scenarios are just for you. Why yes, I'll accept a ticket for that yearly gathering of people who give you nightmares you haven't thought about.

Your Humble Servant,

Gracefully Savage

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