The delay?
Never say, "Things can always get worse!", they just might.
Date: 12/9/2014 8:37:03 PM ( 11 y ) ... viewed 1144 times
Sadly, after a couple of weeks, the relief from pain my wife had is quickly diminishing. Another surgery is needed (not related to her back) but we had to wait on breast exam results due to bad news about a "mass". Also the possibility of colon cancer. Bad news after bad news after more bad news, I feel so bad for my wife.
I get home and she tells me about her trip home from the doctor about a nut driver who was veering in front of her, hitting the brakes and doing sudden turns without using the blinker.
Because this happens to me everyday going to and from work I do not tell her it's intentional. I remember her telling me to watch out for the "drunk" who was if front of us a couple of weeks earlier. Who was in fact, not "drunk" at all.
This morning, coming up "the hill" on the toll road I use going to work. I see a car pulled over to the shoulder, half a mile ahead of me. I snicker, I've been changing my driving patterns and the driver had been forced to pull over and wait for me.
As I get closer, he's given the the go ahead to come back on. Why yes, there was a helicopter in the air. As I close the gap, the driver crosses out of the slow lane into my lane to block me.
Since they have read my writings, they have changed (for the most part) from the TT cars to what might be called high end cars. Most likely classic TT mentality (look at us we do have expensive cars, so ha ha). Or the dealer is giving them to use. I wish he would pay for their driving lessons before giving them cars they can't handle.
Over the last few weeks I've allowed them to get ahead and do their dumb blocking. Well, for the most part.
Today I wasn't interested in putting up with it so I left the little bitch behind. In the newer cars the non TT's are told to max out at 80, the TT's will do 90 and the chief piggie will do better than a hundred. I guess when you have a badge you can make up whatever rules you want.
I'll have you know they were very pleased with themselves when I got a speeding ticket. Now I would have liked to subpena the head of the Highway Patrol and AH's husband and gone before the judge and let them explain about incessantly stalking one individual on the roadways and freeways. The question being, just where is it in your charter to do this? And? What about the cars with the switched brake lights? I mean, there's only one use for that!
They tried giving me another ticket by having the cars drive in my blind spot (I don't allow if possible) or speed ahead of me (they have the misconception I need to go faster than other drivers). As an aggressive defensive driver, if the road is "light" I'm not going to allow a driver to sit in my blind spot. The danger now, is I must assume the driver is a TT and is setting up an accident.
I do not jest, they have been using the "long con" approach on me for years. With a few attempts at "forcing" an accident.
After giving them a heads up about this blog, they actually escalated their BS against both my wife and I.
They started up with the bogus phone calls again. I have blockers, escorts and TT edgers on the road with me. They form multiple "teams" messing with me on the roadways. Gutless wonders for sure.
Even though the wife is in pain every day and needs another surgery (if not 2, perhaps 3). I simply can no longer risk her life.
What happened in Lost Wages was exactly what we predicted would happen. Years ago we predicted what would happen if I f'ed a security car driver who we knew was the street sweeper for our neighborhood. Gee, look, he missed doing our curb. Oh yes, you got me good.
AH's husband has been just as predictable. But can you imagine? Lying and making up stories so you can manipulate and control your family and neighbors just to feed your ego and false image of being a "good guy". For more than a decade! How many times can you cry wolf? How much pain and agony have you caused your family to maintain your BS image?
Tomorrow, the Lost Wages chronicles. Or how to show this stuff will occur out of state thanks to HomieLand In-Security. Isn't that an FBI thing? The question being, did the Count buy into their BS and get bogus security for his establishment? Did they imply if he didn't there might be "bad" press? What will he do when he finds out?
Your Humble Servant,
Gracefully Savage
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