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Re: smoking weed on extended water fast summary journal
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Re: smoking weed on extended water fast summary journal

thank you very much Linda, i also figured out that Celery juice works great to reduce the burning that creeps up. The broth only intensified it, as well as the few teaspoons of grapefruit juice i tried.

The juice have also helped me to keep it down and have reduced the number of dizzy spells. I drank 25ml Celery juice, then another 50ml, which my girlfriend prepared for me last night. This morning I was making my own juice, this time I have addded cucumber juice (without the seeds) to the Celery juice, yummy so sweet it tasted. It was about 125ml juice and I have not thrown up since! Feeling beter and beter, even doing the washing now.

Yesterday I threw up only thrice, the rest of the time I lay or sat very still, sitting was beter, in order not to provoke anything from wanting to come up. I focussed intensly on good thoughts as much as possible and I also smoked some weed in our vaporizer. This helped alot to keep my mind dwelling away from my physical discomfort. Last night, I vaped some more and it has definitly helped me to enjoy the evening and not take my current situation so seriously.

So great to be feeling healthy!

Tonight I am going to drink some more cucumber juice, then try to have some for breakfast tomorrow morning.


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