Re: smoking weed on extended water fast summary journal
Hi.. so currently near the end of a healing crisis. After posting my previous entry of day 27, I vomited bile later that afternoon. At first it was a thick white mucus with a lemony taste then there was a very yellow liquid with a green tint with a bitter aftertaste.
So up until now, which is day 34, I have thrown up bile almost every day, about twice a day. Some days there was no color to the liquid other times it was a white mucus followed by the yellow greenish bile.
On day 29 I did not throw up but was queasy the whole day.
I also noticed that after throwing up I felt a whole lot better than before and am embracing this healing crisis as an opportunity to manifest the most amazingly healthy body I could ever dream of.
I am not able to drink a lot of water all at once, but sipping keeps my nausea in check.
I do not feel like doing much, and where I was looking forward to breaking my fast, now I only want to feel better before even thinking of anything other than water.
I am a little prone to motion sickness, any continuous back and forth movement, like driving on a dirt road, makes me very queasy.
Bowel movements
Still going strong and having about two bowel movements a day. With no bowel movement on day 29, the day I also did not throw up.
oh and weed, yes well smoking so little now I wonder if it is evening worth mentioning. Only a drag or two a day. It somethimes helps with nausea and other times not.
Will update again soon.