I read last night that there are over 100 species of avian round worms. One species in Europe is only sensitive to Praziquantel, and loves the sinuses. I use an unusual cocktail for roundworms, in that Albendazole had no effect. It does have some effect when combined with Piperazine. Alinia has a continuous effect, but I suspect it is hard on the kidneys.
If you read the Merck manual you get some idea of how many millions of pounds of stuff have been thrown at this problem, while humans get eye droppers.
I now know where the problem came from. We the public had no idea what they have been up to.
I have a few worms left, but the symptoms are different. I suspect what I actually had were two different Ascarid infections.
On the last two occasions I slept more than 12 hours when I added Praziquantel into the mix.