Ask dr.Google about Alzheimer & Candida , he will show some interesting theorys and facts. Did you ever try bulletproof upgradet brain octane for the brain fog? I have brain fog too and when i take that
stuff i felt much less brain fogged, really powerfull anti-brainfog stuff. It has only 8-carbon medium-chain triglyserydes and is anti-fungus also.
fungus Candida makes the exact same type of amyloid plaque that has been found in the brains of Alzheimer’ victims.
i got stomach pain from that brain octane,and stopped using it, i am not sure why it caused pain, one theory is that if it killed candida very quicly causing fungus toxins overload , or is that medium chain triglyseder irratating stuff? Maybe should mix it with food to avoid irratating effect, i still have it and will try again .