Re: Herpes disappeared?
Wow, this is interesting. I was diagnosed with HSV-1 20 years ago when I was in college. I was in a 3 year relationship with a fellow who showed no symptoms either orally or genitally. We stayed together another 3 years.
Then I met a man with oral cold sores and he got them every time the weather changed, every time he was stressed, every time he had a few poor nights of sleep, you name it. We used a condom all the time and were together for 12 years and he never had any genital herpes symptoms. I understood it was rare to have both oral and genital HSV-1.
I have not had a reoccurance in 20 years! My life is full of stress. A divorce, my mom has cancer, my dad died in an accident, I overload myself all the time. I used to get constant colds/flu because my immune system was sick.
I've now read a few articles about people diagnosed with HSV-1 genitally and then years later tested as negative even using the Western Blot test.
I am now single, fearing I will never be in a relationship again or have sex. I miss having sex.
If I get tested negative for no HSV-1 antibodies, what does it mean? I am not contagious???