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Pepes message
Urvasi Views: 1,242
Published: 20 y
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Pepes message

Day 4- First timer

Thank you so much for your responses! I went out and got something (they did not understand senna, mind you this is a very rural area of Japan). It is a tea so I hope it is a laxative! I also got some Sea Salt .

I have three questions today:
1. It is now 12:00 and I have already had two lemonade drinks. Is it ok to do the salt flush now or do I have to wait until tomorrow morning? (my elimination process seems to be a little sluggish)

2. Regarding the laxative tea, does it have to be taken at night or can I take it now? (I feel the need to take something but not sure which one I should take in the middle of the day).

3. I have learnt today about a wonder herb from Peru called Cat's Claw. Among many of its health benefits (anti-inflamatory, lowering blood pressure, boosting immune system) is cleansing the intestinal tract.

Would it be a good idea to take this during the fast or is the fast best left alone?

Thanks again. Feeling a little hungry today and tempted by salads!!! Very tired cause of sleepless night last night. Thought I was drinking herbal tea at a friends house but turned out to be green tea with other herbs.. could this be the cause of yesterdays insomnia? I assume green tea is not recommended on the fast because of its caffeine???

Good luck to all of you!!! WE ARE DOING IT!!!



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