Re: HYPERadrenal, HYPERthyroid & Mercury toxicity?
I just happened to read your post while I was researching mercury. I also have had long-term problems with mercury, even though I had my
Amalgams taken out 30 years ago.
But what I wanted to mention was that last year I had a very difficult time with symptoms that sounded like yours. I am normally hypothyroid... I went hyper. I sweat, I lost weight... and I got suicidal. I had no appetite, and I had to set a clock to remind myself to eat. I paced, a lot.
There were some emotional reasons why that might be, but I knew it wasn't only that. My whole life was rapidly falling a part with the physical symptoms.
What i want to mention is that I discovered I had/have parasites. After a very slow and difficult climb out of ill health last year, I still knew I had not gotten to the bottom of whatever it was. I eliminated gluten and dairy 100%. That helped. But I was still not right. This year my doctor tested me for parasites, and all those tests were negative. But, he then tested me for a very rare parasite, which came back positive.... and upon retest, again positive. It's not a minor parasite... and it was probably making me very sick.
Which is to say... don't get stuck on one idea to the exclusion of all others. I'm sure you'll find your answers. It's not all in your head.