Re: HYPERadrenal, HYPERthyroid & Mercury toxicity?
Hello purplepixie,
I am not hyper but have been attacking my mercury teeth issues with some success.
From the tests results I was advised to chelate before
Amalgam removal. In effect what I needed to do was to increase the "gradient" between blood and brain. Exerting maximum pressure on any free mercury not to end up in the brain because the rest of my body "needed it".
All must have been successful because after all 17
Amalgams were removed in June with full supports and protocol, no side effects with chelation both before and afterwards. No brain mercury movers allowed at all during the whole process. I start ALA etc in January.
Some comments about your post:
When you have a range of health issues it is often hard to know how and where to start. And related: fixing one issue may lead to little gain although fixed that one issue might be.
Although some of the symptoms listed are hyper some are not. Are you sure about your thyriod status?
Many of the issues you mention may be related to mercury, thyriod and digestive health. There is some evidence that mercury impairs many bodily functions including, your digestion, thyriod, liver kidney function and detox profile.
However other issues can also be a part of the problem as I suspect you are already aware. For example diet, consequently thyriod status and lifestyle. Seeing them all related to mercury alone may not be wise.
Mercury or no mercury these will only help.
Make sure you are not adding more HMs! Know you food.
Pushing your digestive system to improve will only help.
Ideas: Recommend "Gut and Psycology Syndrone by Campbell-Macbride" as a kick start to digestive health.
Increase the gut, diet and blood supports you normally eat:
Gut Psylium, oat bran, vegetable and fruit fibre. Diet: increase selenium, zinc, copper: These really need blood tests. Kidney and liver support try many.
Blood: Zeolite, garlic if tolerated, Humates/fulvic acid.
Consider chelation: (I should add that many (Cutler et al)advise against this but others: Klinghardt, Shand etc not so concerned. The issue appears to be the degree of gut diet organ and blood supports employed.)
With mercury in my teeth I used the above supports along with DMSA, NDF and HM detox.
Try increasing your iodine: look up/follow the
Iodine supplementation forum here.
Look closely at Buteyko breathing.
for starters. Good oxygenation is a vital part of a good detox profile. Breathing pattern is very important.
Did you experience any "reaction" to cilantro and or chorella?
All the best: T2