I noticed that every time I go out for a few drinks (which is about once every week and a half-two weeks) I get my period the next day. EVERY time for about 6 months if not more. I also feel terribly hungover for days. Liver tests came back fine when I had a large amount of blood work done. It is not a coincidence. What could this mean and what can I take to get rid of the excess estrogen if that is the issue? Or is the liver the bigger issue? Thanks!
A bit of history...
I have already been told I have high estradiol and low progesterone. I have been paleo for over a year, very healthy lifestyle. I have huge issues with constipation, look months pregnant at the end of the day. Nothing helps for more than one week. Vitex caused EXTREME weight gain which is already a huge issue for me. I cannot lose weight regardless of paleo and exercise. I have candida parapsilosis, anti candida supplement helps but then stops. Acidophilus also caused too much weight gain. Thyroid came back normal but I have all classic hypothyroid symptoms. History of very bad eczema (stays under control when I eat well). Everything in my system just seems sluggish and out of balance regardless of healthy eating/sleeping/exercise. Please help!! I have considered Liver Flush but scared as my stomach doesn't digest anything fatty very well like oils...