Re: Possible Parasitic Infection
I see that you are paralyzed with fear of what will happen if these big worms die inside you.
Have you convinced ANY doctor that you have these big worms? I don't think you have, so who is going to cut them out? I've read that some worms have been surgically removed, but for most of us this is not going to happen.
They are continuing to breed and you will ultimately have many more big worms.
I'm sure I have had good sized worms die outside my intestinal tract. Nothing happened to me. Somehow the body eliminates toxins. This is the first time I've told this story, but last summer when I was taking ivermectin something big did exit my skin high on my left hip. I felt nothing--think I was asleep and laying on that side. The hole with clawing marks looked like I had been shot with a gun. The scar remains. I'll never know what made this hole, but something did. It seems some
parasites are able to exit your body on their own.
The bigger the worm the harder they are to kill. I wouldn't expect them to all die at once. You would need to take extra precautions to rid your body of toxins--liver flushes, activated charcoal capsules, enemas, etc. And while I am not in the habit of recommending
Antibiotics , I might take them if I was you just to forestall any possible infections.
The sooner you start using "the big guns", the sooner you will be well!