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Re: Possible Parasitic Infection
c8990905 Views: 1,097
Published: 10 y
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Re: Possible Parasitic Infection

Good evening All,

Provided is an update:

I had the colonoscopy performed around 11AM this morning, and the Dr. had asked me about everything that had been going on, again, I told her my story and she seemed intrigued.

As I was being sedated, I could feel that "line" in my neck grow very cold once the anesthesiologist inserted the sedation medicine, however I was unable to say anything to the Dr because I was out.

Nevertheless, the Dr found some small hemorrhoids, and has diagnosed with me IBS, but I will still continue to keep an eye on my symptoms. However, I did not drink the entire gallon of PEG-3350, as I was hoping some would still latch and stay inside, I only drank half.

In addition, I slept all day after the procedure and once away was craving a "Banana cream pie" milkshake from Sonic, go figure. Though she did prescribe Dicyclomine, as stated I will keep an eye on everything. Seeing as I am only 23, I think there may be more to this than IBS as well. I have a follow up with my Dr this week and will keep everyone posted.

Can anyone believe no one wanted to race me in the wheel chair after I was done? - Trying to keep the humor support after :)

Also, does anyone know why the forums do no support HTTPS/SSL encryption :)?



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