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Hashimoto's, negative ANA and parasites

Clarkia Parasites Tincture
Hulda Clark Parasites Tinctures

Clarkia Parasites Tincture
Hulda Clark Parasites Tinctures

surfmonk Views: 3,126
Published: 10 y

Hashimoto's, negative ANA and parasites

Hi everyone

First let me say what an amazing and most supportive community of people you are here! I have been reading though the posts in the past few months and am very happy to have found you. I will try to make this short but I have a feeling I won't be able to sum it up properly so apologies in advance.

After one useles doctor that I literally had to BEG for blood tests and an eventual stool sample (after 5 months of everything and anything coming out of my back side), I have been diagnosed in this order after severe diarrhea qith mucous in stools since start of January

- FEBRUARY: Subclinical Hypothyroidism (T4 normal, TSH = 7.2)

Crazy symptoms continue: foul diarhhea-like stools, stomach aches, tremors in torso and legs, strange pins and needles/ tingling, muscle spasms in night, feeling extremely cold, anxiety, jumpiness, 'depression', joint aches, headaches, itchyness all over, itchy flaky inside ear, heart racing sometimes, creepy crawly feeling in throat, sore lymph nodes, itchy anus, unable to concentrate or think/read...

- APRIL: Subclinical Hypothyroidism with Hashimoto's Thyroditis (T4 normal, THS = 6.4, antibodies through the roof)

Crazy symptoms continue, no more diarhhea but loose stools that smell like it, have the same colour and lots of undigested food in it.

- MAY: 2 parasites found in one single unfixed stool sample - Blastocystis Hominis & Dientamoeba Fragilis (Multiplex Tandem PCR Test)

Got given Metronidazole which made me constipated and a red unraised rash (blush like) appeared on my cheeks and over the entire nose while taking Metronidazole and sitting out in the sun. Metronidazole made me 'a little better' for a few weeks than back to 'normal' - undigested food in foul smelling stools, rancid farts, flactulance, tummy ache on left... Still losing weight due to very restricted diet (no starches, no grains, no legumes, no nuts and seeds, no corn, no sugar, 2 portions of low GI fruit per day), very little eggs, no red meat.

My new doctor decided to checked my ANA antibodies that came back negative. Even though I have very high anti-TPO antibodies? How is that possible? Shouldn't they show up 'under' the ANA results? Could it be that, because the ANA says negative for anything below 1:80, that my results were actually, say, 1:40 or 1:60 but the results say negative for anything under 1:80? I think I don't quite understand this part but maybe someone can elaborate.

Another question: why do I have this rash on my face? Could that be caused by one of these protozoas or perhaps a wonderful Candida overgrowth? My doctor suggested I try a natural parasite cleanse with my naturopath before we try any other pharma antibiotic. He also thinks my problems followed in this chronological order:
parasites > Hashimoto's > some level of adrenal fatigue (no doubt I'm fatigued). Does that make sense? I have a feeling my thyroid has been playing up for 2 years or so - constipation, hot glue feeling in gut for a while, one isolated instance of fibrocystic breasts - went away in 3 weeks and never came back, new grey hair, brittle hair etc...

I'm so sorry for the long post but I am confused as to what caused all my problems and how the ANA can be negative.

Is the doctor's suggestion to try an intense natural cleanse good? Am I dreaming I'll be able to get rid of BH and DF without Antibiotics ?

Should my diet and lifestyle changes have lowered my antibodies since end of April?

Thank you everyone! Very confused and appreciative of any ideas and suggestions.

PS: I am female, European but live in New Zealand, 32, athletic (well... used to be), no children, I travel a lot and have spent 3 months in Mexico last year. I have 'silver' fillings (from the 90's) in my mouth and have always had dental issues.


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