Thank you SO MUCH for all your helpful feedback. I have been chasing a diagnosis for so long that I'm still not sure I have the right one. Most info says that strongyloides is mostly benign unless it disseminates. I've been sick for a long time... with unreal fatigue, and so many other symptoms that start looking like mental issues. I'd really appreciate knowing what other people experienced as symptoms.
Can you tell me what you did for an inhaler? I hadn't thought of that. I have a history of asthma, but when this all started (maybe 6 years ago?) I got what appeared to be a serious bronchitis... and I have considered many times moving to the desert because each winter it feels like I actually could die. I have to be so careful with my lungs! Now I'm wondering if in fact I had this infection (parasites).
I'd also really like to know about adjunctive therapies. I seem to need a lot more protein than before (like meat at every meal). I have to take iron daily. I'm not sure if the herbs are a good thing or not (I take a formula called "Wormwood" By Standard Process). Are there other links that have the full program? I'm a little lost on Curezone... so many hundreds of posts about parasites. Thank you again!