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Re: MC clarification please
It has absolutly nothing to do with "purists" but more with common sense and logic. Rebeckah makes a very well reasoned and >logical< point why it really is not a good idea and potentionaly harmful to do the BPs while on the MC.
The person who originaly came up with the idea and called it "The Ultimate Cleanse" really had a poor understanding of how the BPs work and their absorbtive powers as he recomeneded mixing the BPs with the lemonade and never even mentioning the >must do< requirement that one must drink lots extra fluids/water for it to be effective and not plug up your system. This to me to me is more evidence that the idea of the BPs on the
Master-Cleanse are not a good idea or a well tought out plan at all. Then there's also
Andreas Moritz who recomends againt the BPs on a fast and sez the Bentonite(Volcanic Clay) could become like a plaster in your intestines and really plug up the works.
On a personal experience level I decided to give the BPs a try on one of my MCs. Even drinking lots of extra water like recomended in Ptrees post it still constipated me and made me feel all bloated. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the
Master-Cleanse for me is the light empty feeling you get when fasting so that bloated feeling would just not do for me on the MC.
It has absolutly nothing to do with "purists" but more with common sense and logic. Rebeckah makes a very well reasoned and >logical< point why it really is not a good idea and potentionaly harmful to do the BPs while on the MC.
The person who origianlly came up with the idea and called it "The Ultimate Cleanse" really had a poor understanding of how the BPs work and their absorbtive powers as he recomeneded mixing the BPs with the lemonade and never even mentioning the >must do< requirement that one must drink lots extra fluids/water for it to be effective and not plug up your system. This to me to me is more evidence that the idea of the BPs on the
Master-Cleanse is not good idea and a well tought out plan at all. Then there's also
Andreas Moritz who recomends againt the BPs on a fast and sez the Bentonite(Volcanic Clay) could become like a plaster in your inteestines and really plug up the works.