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Re: Lymphatic Filariasis?
Flossy Views: 1,049
Published: 10 y
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Re: Lymphatic Filariasis?

Anyone with hyperinfection and disseminated has usually been given steroids and this makes the infestation go beserk.

You probably already know that though.

Did you get a diagnosis on the cat? One disease that can be caught is Toxoplasmosis.

You don't ever feel anything running across your skin?

Just rulling out mange mites (sarcoptes). Hair loss on ankles could indicate mites from the cat and dog. (could also be any other parasite, but site could mean the animals have dropped mites onto floor)

My dog was infested at the same time as I was.

Do you ever pat the dog or cat or have them on your lap and 24 hours later get an itchy spot where you were touching them.??

My husband has had them on him but never got infested. So it means nothing if your wife has none. Sorry.

The hair loss, strange rash, cold water etc is my friend with River Blindness had, but I think the Toxoplasmosis parasite would give the same symptoms.

They would be in your skin, your muscles, eyes. It makes sense.

In your place I would be looking at Toxoplasmosis and/or sarcoptes mites.

Regardless, for your peace of mind, the ICU protocol will kill them whichever it is, it will just take longer than we all realise.

Hope some of this is of some help to consider.



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