Comparing a zapper to a gun is a good comparison, It does not take a rocket scientist to operate it safely and effectively to kill what needs killing. Well you judged Science fairs, wow ! Hey, maybe we should all listen to the people with loads of initials after their names and lofty credentials that say fluoride in water is safe. How about a Harvard study that more vitamins than the the official RDA is unsafe. Maybe Curezone should be sponsored by the government. Government could get all the top people will the best education and make it all safe for us. Sure, of course Hulda Clark doesn't know what she is doing. She only documented and published 100's of patients in DETAIL with progress every step of the way. So you say, Hulda Clark said this or that. What a joke. Did you talk to her, haha? I only take what she wrote down and she did document the hell out of everything.