Do I WF with kidney inflammation and a liver spot?
Dear all,
I have been feeling miserable for a while now, but figured it was just me being unfit/depressed/eating badly. However, I had general health exam as I am very close to done with my insurance and found
-anemia (possible
parasites as bum itches)
-high bacteria count and another elevated marker in urine indicating -- pus in the kidneys, basically, and
-a dense spot on my liver.
I did an internet search and it seems that it is unlikely to be cancer as cancer is usually not localized to one spot but spread throughout the liver, and it is usually less dense than the liver, not more dense. Highest probability, spot is a cyst or pustule or a parasite. It does hurt, so idk. The recommendation of most online sources is a CT scan as it can narrow down what exactly is happening with the spot.
However, I am now at the end of my insurance with this job and will not have insurance again until the end of August when I start a new job, so for now there is nothing I can do.
I was wondering whether a WF or a modified fast of some sort may be good at this stage.
On the one hand, fasting requires strong systems of elimination. On the other hand, fasting is the best way to deal with inflammation/cysts, and prolonged fasting (hopefully) kills intestinal parasytes.
The standard medical recommendation for pus-in-kidneys is
Antibiotics , which I am hesitant to do. This may be ideal experiment time - fast or detox, then see what fasting can and can't fix when I get another blood/urine/ultrasound test when my new insurance kicks in.
What would you recommend in this situation? Please do not hesitate to offer your honest opinion, I promise I will not follow it without question and end up hurting myself if you are wrong.