archus and DL, thanks for the suggestions!
There is definitely more than enough to work with in both of your responses, so thank you for helping me get started. Right now, I am between jobs, will be packing and mailing stuff all of this next week and then will be couchsurfing with friends for the summer, so that places a limit on what will be available --- I will not be able to set up a reliable
juicing station until fall when I get my new place. but there are things I can definitely start with now. I got 100 ml of coloidal silver which was the only size my local pharmacy had, so I will fast tmrw and drink that, then see how i feel. I also got some vegetable powder that can be dissolved in water. For sure it is inferior to fresh juice, but it is one of those things that I feel may help me eat lighter and not hurt. Also got
Lugol's to drip in my first glass of water in the morning. Rowatinex is on its way, hopefully this Chinese knock-off will work --> as that is what I am able to find right now. This is ~23 USD, is this what it should cost?
I bought cold-pressed linseed and olive oil bought, too.
On liver flushes:
how important is the apple preparation phase? And what amount of apples per day should do it?