10 y
Re: Am I on the right track??
I was diagnosed being hypothyroid about 12/14 yrs. ago. I was on each thyroid med and none of it helped me. I finally found a doctor who would prescribe amour and that helped me but still not 100%. I always thought it wasn't my thyroid, how could I be on these meds and still feel like a walking zombie. I know women that had their thyroid taken out and their energy level was normal. So here it is 14 yrs. and 8 doctors later, I find out I have parasites. Left a great job (couldn't physically do it anymore) and now staying home to heal myself. After a few days of Dr. Clark's protocol my energy level went up, my eyesight seems better and I seem to focus better. That screen or fog in my head is gone. I feel like my "spirit" is back and my eating has become more normal for me. I just don't eat "because". I was infested and they were controlling what I ate. I stopped taking my amour probably 3/4 yrs. ago. I tapered off and just stopped. I recently went for a physical, my thyroid is perfect. Imagine that. So my
parasite cleanse is going into my fourth month. I started with herbs, but I felt them scatter. Wished I had started on the rx stuff. I still have them in both feet. In my calve, back and head. You have to catch them off-guard. sorry for the story, but maybe you can relate.
If your instincts tell you one thing...please listen to it. I believe that the time it takes to clean out the
parasites depends on how infested you are and with what. Just do your research!