Day One, Lots of Fun!
Holy cannoli! Is this forum dead?? It used to be one of the most active and interesting on curezone... I insinuate that our beloved lemonade is better than CAKE and get no crazy fasting humor slung at me? Not the forum I remember!
Well, I am on my first day, feelin' groovy... The thing about cleansing is that the cleaner you get, the easier cleansing becomes. I know I am in need of this ten day MC, but obviously my past cleanses still count because I have no icky effects, headaches bla bla bla...
Also, live and learn, I definitely taper off coffee, which makes a huge difference in these first days. That caffeine headache is the worst!
I can hear the crickets chirping out there, but nonetheless I am sticking this on the
Master-Cleanse forum. hopefully it will encourage anyone with a desire and/or need to clean up his or her act. It CAN be done, and it IS worth it!
Have another glass of juice and contemplate the meaning of life...
Best to all,