Folliculitis even on face and ear
Hi, just wanted to know if folliculitis affects the face and ear area... my gp just diagnosed me with folliculitis a week ago(bumps started showing up 2 weeks ago), and gave me
Antibiotics name doxy something, but i don't think it has helped since my bumps are still there and itching.. i don't even know if he diagnosed it correctly since he did not take a very close look at it.
I do not think it is hives however since i heard they last only a few days nor is it scabies since the bumps only appear on places i have scratched, non has appeared on my stomach or back since i don't scratch those areas so i can only think that the doc was correct..
My face(eyebrow/eyelid cheek and jawline) becomes itchy and when i scratch, bumps appear.. it swells near my eyes and it gets hard to open them and i have itchy bumps on and behind my ears..
How do you get rid of the bumps? Mine are flesh colored till i scratch then they become red. Really appreciate any help given since my derm follow up(for eczema) is 15 days away and im not sure how much nights i can take. Antihistamine does not seem to help(even drowsy kind)