Re: Disgusted by worms
I would forget about tests - you have the one indicator your need right now, your body temperature. I would focus on that first. Take your temp on rising, noon, and evening, and average it daily; keep track of your temperature as you work to heal, you'll know when you're doing the right things when the temperature starts to go up. Do all you can to elevate it to 98.3 or higher on average - always stay warm. Talk with your healer about potentially taking T3 or dessicated thyroid if necessary.
Make sure you get to sleep early and get enough sleep, avoid cold weather, take hot showers/baths, use saunas, eat warming foods, spices, oils, don't eat cold foods, get plenty of sun, try ginger teas, avoid stress. Don't use electric blankets or electric heaters, avoid EMFs. Do only light-moderate exercises (not heavy exercise if you're heavily infested, you'll need the nutrients instead of using them up for exercise). Do daily
coffee enemas at slightly higher than body temperature, it'll also serve to warm you up while it cleans you out and nourish your liver.
Generally speaking, keeping the body temperature up will eventually kill most
parasites throughout the body, and taking sufficient HCL before every meal will help kill
parasites in foods so they don't reinfect you.
parasites thrive on negative energy and feed on stress hormones. Destress, do positive affirmations, command them to leave.
Clean out your liver; it'll need to work hard to filter out dying parasites and the junk they leave behind.