Re: Lugol plus SSKI doubts
when i say 100mg is the minimum daily amount i am talking about
Lugols which reckons only the
Iodine in the number.
that 6.25mg of
Iodine per drop is 2.5mg of
Iodine in elemental form and 5mg of iodide, of which only one quarter is potassium so the other 3.75mg is iodine. so, 6.25 of total iodine in a drop of lugols.
SSKI is only
Iodide so it is 3/4 iodine and 1/4 potassium. all the numbers for
KI can be multiplied by .75 to find the total iodine content.
IOW, to get the 100mg minimum using only iodide, 133mg must be taken.
these things are good to know but if you arent taking iodine by the dropperful (eyeball measurements) then you havent figured out iodine yet.
everybody does figure it out, with time.
the rest of your questions you will also figure out as no one can know for sure what you need. the general rule is that
Iodide is food and iodine is medicine. find what plenty of
Iodide is like and then add the daily needed iodine according to the action you are looking for.
many things have helped raise my body temp and iodine was not really one of them. MSM, B vitamins, C, exercise, lots of salt, oxygen supplementation, wearing magnets, good oils - all of these have raised my body temp and made me feel warmer and mentally sharper.
iodine is just one of many debilitating deficiencies out there. its not a cure all but it must be part of any cure. it makes everything work better.